My autobiography

 Hello professor and classmates:

I'm Johana Casanova and i study Farmacy. I was born in 1996, January 16 in Santiago city, specifically in Independencia commune. However, i never lived in that commune. I lived since i was born until 6 years old in Huechuraba commune, and after in Puente Alto, until now.

 I live with my parents and i don't have brothers or sisters. My maternal family is from Trujillo city and from other places of Perú. My paternal family is from Máfil and Valdivia communes, in Los Ríos region. I have visited my paternal family more than my maternal family, because of territorial distance and economic reasons. But despite be little time with all my family i always remember them lovingly. 

I studied in 3 schools during elementary and high school. I was not the best student, but i liked learn during classes. I have nice memories of that time and there i met some of my friends. One anecdote about my school time is that the Chemical course was my course with worst grades of all my courses. However, i chose to study Farmacy because i am really interested in chemistry and i always liked to know about medications and related things. Before studing Farmacy i studied plastic arts for 1 year, in this university. That was a beautiful time where i learned a lot and i realized that was not my vocation, but i love art in all its expressions. Currently i feel good and motivated with my studies. 

During my free time i like to be with my family and friends, i also like to walk, watch movies or series, read and make different things in my house. For many years i drew almost every day, but since i started studing my degree i stopped drawing because i don't have time. However, i think that i can draw again in a more years.

Thank you for read my autobiography!!  :)


  1. Hi! What is your favorite movie? What do you like to draw? You could make a gallery on the blog to see your work, encourage to do it =D


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